SAYSA Board of Directors

President Kasi QualeEmail
Vice PresidentSarah JohnsonEmail
SecretaryBecky RoseEmail
TreasurerNicoleMarie HallEmail
Age Commissioner (Competitive, High School, 13U, 14U)Neil HeggelundEmail
Age Commissioner (11U, 12U)Nik HawkinsEmail
Age Commissioner (9U, 10U)Kyle GleasonEmail
Age Commissioner (6U, 7U, 8U)Jake AndreskaEmail
Member at LargeJustin Packard

Volunteer Positions

RegistrarJenna Di SalvoEmail
Equipment CoordinatorRachel BorchardtEmail
Uniform CoordinatorsMenno and Katie HuiserEmail
Fundraising CoordinatorVacantEmail
Field CoordinatorMack NaberEmail
Volunteer CoordinatorVacantEmail
Marketing & Public Relations CoordinatorAbby CzachurEmail
WebmasterNik HawkinsEmail

Board Meetings

SAYSA Board meetings usually take place the first Sunday of each month at 6 p.m., typically at Christ Lutheran Church in Stoughton or via Zoom. All club members and the public are welcome to attend!

If you would like to review meeting minutes or confirm the time and location of a board meeting, please contact the SAYSA secretary.


Read the SAYSA Bylaws.