Financial Aid

Free/Reduced Lunch Discount
SAYSA offers a discount to families qualifying for free/reduced lunch after documentation is provided. Proof of free reduced lunch status must be uploaded during the player registration process or sent to the treasurer before the discount is applied.

Other Financial Assistance
SAYSA also has very limited funds to cover up to 100% of the cost of standard registration fees, depending on availability. These funds are reserved for families facing difficult or challenging circumstances and are only awarded to applicants after they complete the player registration process.

How to Apply for Discount/Financial Assistance
During registration using the PlayMetrics system, all registrants will be offered the chance to apply for financial aid during the “Checkout” step where the preferred payment option is chosen. Simply click on the link to apply and follow the instructions provided.

Contact the SAYSA treasurer or registrar with questions.

Financial Aid Policies

SAYSA will cover basic registration fees but will not cover the costs of extra fees for competitive teams, uniform fees, or tournament or camp/clinic fees.

Financial aid cannot be used to cover the cost of a volunteer buyout. In other words, financial aid recipients should be prepared to fulfill volunteer requirements to the club.

Families will not owe money to SAYSA until a determination is made as to financial aid eligibility.

Eligibility and distribution of financial aid will be determined by a Financial Aid Committee selected by the Executive Board. The committee will give preference to families with the perceived greatest needs. The committee will notify applicants of their status as soon as possible.

The deadline for financial aid application coincides with the relevant season registration deadline.